
Deborah Chasco DNP, NEA-BC, CCRN, CNS, APRN

Director of Nursing Informatics, University Medical Center of El Paso

Dr. Deborah Chasco is director of nursing informatics at UMC El Paso. She has over 36 years of nursing experience, including maternal/infant child services, leadership experience in hospital and clinic settings, nursing informatics and data analytics. She is certified by AACN as a CCRN in acute and critical care neonatal nursing and is board certified as an Advanced Nursing Executive. She holds a DNP degree in nursing administration from Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas. Dr. Chasco has volunteered on ANIA's education committee, has served as a Magnet Conference abstract reviewer and as a reviewer for the peer reviewed Nurse Manager Journal. Dr. Chasco has presented at several local, state, national conferences on nursing informatics, research, leadership topics.


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