Laurie Levknecht BSN, RN

Laurie Levknecht has 30+ years in health care as an EMT and a registered nurse. She has held a variety of positions including staff nurse, patient educator, case manager, manager, and director in multiple settings including hospital acute care, physician office practice, outpatient services, and managed care. Laurie has experience in patient education, staff training and development, quality improvement, customer service, disease management and case management, physician relationships and practice issues, team building, and communication. In 2002, she brought her expertise to Elsevier CPM Resource Center, and specializes in cultural transformation and partnering; partnership councils in the three phases of planning, implementing, and sustaining; dialogue training; and polarity thinking. Laurie has been a polarity thinking consultant for 7 years and is a graduate of the certificate polarity mastery program. She works across all levels within health care organizations teaching them to use polarity thinking principles to manage complex issues.


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