Contact hours available until 12/31/16.
Requirements for Successful Completion: Complete the learning activity in its entirety and complete the online CNE evaluation.
Faculty, Planners and Authors Conflict of Interest Disclosure: The authors, editor, planning committee, and education director reported no actual or potential conflict of interest in relation to this continuing nursing education article.
Commercial Support and Sponsorship: No commercial support or sponsorship declared.
Accreditation Statement: This educational activity is jointly provided by Anthony J. Jannetti, Inc., and ANIA. Anthony J. Jannetti, Inc., is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation. Anthony J. Jannetti, Inc. is a provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, provider number, CEP 5387.
The purpose of this continuing nursing education article is to increase nurses' and other health care professionals' awareness of reducing rehospitalization through utilization of automated data gathering. After studying the information presented in this article, you will be able to:
Objectives:- Discuss the concept of "unintended consequences" and the applicability with EHR utilization in affecting patient safety and outcomes.
- Explain the ONC’s safety plan in tracking and managing safety and quality concerns in the EHR.
- Define the potential workflow and workflow redesign in promoting patient safety and quality and decreasing the incidence of unintended consequences.
- Explore methods to utilize quality improvement methods and metrics to address patient safety, quality, and EHR optimization.