Dr. Jonathan Teich is the chief medical informatics officer for Elsevier, the world’s largest publisher of scientific and health information. He helps lead the vision, strategy, and design for knowledge-based tools and clinical decision support (CDS) supporting direct clinical practice and healthcare delivery. He is also a practicing emergency physician and assistant professor at Harvard, and leads clinical design for health information systems in developing countries with the OpenMRS Community. Dr. Teich founded the Clinical Informatics R&D department at Partners Healthcare, developing two generations of innovative electronic health records, CPOE and CDS systems. Dr. Teich has authored over 100 publications, including three books on CDS. He co-chaired the US Roadmap for National Action on Clinical Decision Support, and works with numerous government and industry panels in that field. He has been a member of the board of directors of AMIA, HIMSS, and the eHealth Initiative.