Is There a Deficit in Electronic Medical Record Training during Primary Nursing Education?

Identification: OD07a

Is There a Deficit in Electronic Medical Record Training during Primary Nursing Education?

Identification: OD07b

AI/AR/VR Alphabet Soup: What Do They Really Mean for Health Care?

Identification: OD08a

AI/AR/VR Alphabet Soup: What Do They Really Mean for Health Care?

Identification: OD08b

Reducing Paper Documents Scanned in the Hospital: A Story of Collaboration

Identification: OD09a

Reducing Paper Documents Scanned in the Hospital: A Story of Collaboration

Identification: OD09b

Reducing Paper Documents Scanned in the Hospital: A Story of Collaboration

Identification: OD09c

Improving Informatics Research by Minimizing Bots and Fraudsters

Identification: OD10

Databases Decoded: Unraveling the Basics in the Windy City

Identification: OD01a

Databases Decoded: Unraveling the Basics in the Windy City

Identification: OD01b